Self Interest Isn't Gospel

In the Book of John, Jesus feeds thousands with a few pieces of fish and bread with plenty left over. A miracle that sends the crowd into a delightful frenzy. The realization that this guy, in hungry times, could and would feed them. The scripture reads like this, “After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, “Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world. Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by himself.” His evacuation from that scene wasn't simply to save himself from the crowd, but to help people evaluate what they truly need. We tend to lock down into mechanisms of safety and security. Finding people, places, things, ideologies and theologies we assume will set us free, make us feel better or keep the money flowing. Sometimes the overwhelming desire to stay safe prompts us to take things by force. Asserting our value and worth has more to do with how we are taken care of than our personal responsibility to take care of ourselves or our community. Jesus isn't going to be our end all every time we are in a jam hungry, oppressed, opposed, and beaten down by the man. We need to act. Navel gazing on Jesus’s behalf is half measures, we shouldn't be sitting around making anyone or anything king who can simply feed us, take care of us and make us safe. We need to stand, lock arms with our community and register our responsibility in the spiritual game. Jesus taught us very clearly to love the marginalized, deconstruct opposition and oppression, learn to love, value the community the way He valued “feeding” community. The Good news of the Gospel isn't self indulgent. It is alive in a communal response to love among need.  

Who do you feed?

Are you interested in spiritual direction? Here’s how to get started.

Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. Do that here.

Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of spiritual direction or coaching with me.

Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.

Step 4. At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll talk! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit.

Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Have questions? You can call me… 619.964.0337


Divine Recognition

