Jesus Wasn't Looking For Attention

Jesus didn't have a stage. He didn't need a Zoom call or newly purchased video and audio equipment for online Sundays. Jesus didn't write a book, a song or spray paint his name on the side of a temple. Jesus didn't care about the gathering. He didn't need a microphone, magazine, online blog, branding opportunity or seating capacity over 1000. He didn't produce content. In fact, He wasn't too keen on the attention He received. He gravitated to wisdom. He loved justice. He needed the touch of the marginalized. He was most at home among strangers, friends and silence. When asked who he was he said, “Who do you think I am?” He was undefended among his critics and it changed the world regardless whether you think he rose from the dead or stayed buried to this day. What was so great about Jesus? He allowed LOVE a “day,” a stage, a consciousness. He wasn't looking to be the poster child for a movement. Don't miss this! He allowed the marginalized a voice. He gave injustice a spotlight with an endless supply of light bulbs and, for the record, the movement looks like YOU now! Get out of the seats, the pews, the courts and hit the streets running into the needs of others!

How will you serve the needs of others?

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Are you interested in spiritual direction? Here’s how to get started.

Step 1. Schedule a complimentary, no-obligation consult. Do that here.

Step 2. Watch your email for questions from me. Before we hop on the phone, I’d like to know a bit about you and what you’d like to get out of spiritual direction or coaching with me.

Step 3. Hit “reply” to that email and answer the questions.

Step 4. At the scheduled time of your consult, we’ll talk! We’ll use the opportunity to make sure we’re the perfect fit.

Step 5. Then we’ll get started! If you decide to work with me, I’ll tell you the exact steps for getting started. If you decide not to work with me or if we aren’t a perfect fit, I’m happy to share other resources to help you get what you need.

Have questions? You can call me… 619.964.0337


The Truth About You


Taking It Personal